6 Review (s)

  1. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)


    Wounds are cleaned with a sharp knife to a living bark. Live callus ridges, if they are around the ulcer, are not cut off. Then they are disinfected, usually closing after that with garden pitch or paint. The cut affected tissues and branches are burned.
    Treatment in early spring and autumn with a 3% Bordeaux mixture, copper or iron sulfate, or "Abiga Peak" (HOM).
    Starting from the green cone phase, they are sprayed with copper-containing and other chemical and biological products, combining them with immunostimulants.
    The number of treatments depends on the weather, the resistance of the variety, the intensity of the development of diseases.
    The applied fungicides are rotated to prevent the emergence of resistant populations of pathogens.

    Compliance with agricultural technology, diet, watering,
    regulation of fruiting, Z regular cutting of affected branches,
    cleaning of wounds and hollows with subsequent disinfection, putty of wounds and cuts (garden balsam, pitch),
    filling hollows (by layer-by-layer cementing),
    attention when buying to identify diseases of the bark and roots,
    in autumn and early spring, cleaning the trunk and skeletal branches from dead bark, mosses, lichens, cutting drying branches, whitewashing, cleaning the litter. Burn all waste.

  2. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Ordinary cancer, NECTRIOSIS

    Apple, pear, cherry, sweet cherry.

    Pathogen: Nectria mushrooms. Trunks, forks of skeletal branches and branches of the first order of various hardwoods are affected. Dispersed by rain, wind and pruning.
    Small yellowish sunken spots form on the bark; then the bark in these places dies off with the formation of large nodules or outgrowths and deep cracks, sometimes reaching the core of the tree. In spring, reddish tubercles form around the wounds - spore-carrying of the fungus, which leads in summer to re-infection of other trees, penetrating through various mechanical damage to the bark. On thin dead branches, rounded pink-red pads from the mycelium of the pathogen are clearly visible - a characteristic sign of this disease.
    Causative agents of necrosis-cancer diseases overwinter in the affected parts of the plant.

    Bacterial cancer (black leaves and trunks): how to protect trees

  3. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Black Cancer


    Pathogen: Sphaeropsis malorum fungus. It affects the bark of the trunk and branches, penetrating through wounds, often manifests itself on leaves and fruits.
    Apple, pear, quince, cherry, peach, apricot.
    A dent appears on a branch or trunk, the bark in this place fades, acquires a brownish-violet color, which then turns into black, as if charred. Later, the bark cracks in different directions, even exposing the wood, its surface is covered with small tubercles. The bark is separated. The development of the disease depends on the condition of the tree. If optimal conditions are created for it and if only certain parts of the bark are affected, then the development of the fungus stops. If the wounds are well scarred, the spread is also limited.
    Signs of damage also appear on the leaves - in the spring during their blooming. Initially, they appear as small purple spots on the upper side of the leaves, which then increase to 3-6 mm in diameter. The edge of the spots remains purple.
    Areas of rot on fruits are brown to black, of indeterminate shape, surrounded by a reddish border, increase with time, forming concentric rings with black pycnidia. The fruits are mummified and often remain hanging on the tree, as in moniliosis.

    Bacterial cancer (black leaves and trunks): how to protect trees

  4. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Bacterial cancer of the bark (gommosis)
    Pathogen: Pseudomonas syringae bacteria. They remain in the affected plants, penetrate through mechanical damage to the bark, especially often when pruning trees and when grafting.
    Shoots, flowers, fruit ovaries turn brown and dry. Watery blurry spots first appear on the leaves, the veins turn red, the leaves turn yellow, curl up and fall off.
    Slightly depressed spots and ulcers form on the bark. Drying up, the ulcer deepens even more; along the edges there are influxes of callus and dried gum. In humid weather, the areas of the affected bark become moist, swell and emit a sour smell. Drops of a whitish or brownish liquid form on the affected organs, which quickly dry out in dry weather and remain on the surface in the form of a film.
    It is obligatory to cull diseased plants.
    As a preventive measure - the use of healthy planting material.
    Protection against insect vectors.
    Disinfection of cutting tools.
    Apricots and cherries are especially affected.

    Bacterial cancer (black leaves and trunks): how to protect trees

  5. Nikolai Sologub, Moscow region

    Is it possible to cure black cancer in a fruit tree for an ordinary summer resident?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - If the cancer does not progress, then it can be stopped. Take a closer look at the tree: if there are few affected areas, branches of the second, third order are sick, then carefully remove them to the nearest healthy lateral branch or cut out dead areas, disinfect (with a solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid - 50 g per 1 liter of water) and cover with garden pitch or quality garden paint with a fungicide. Give the tree good care and timely watering.
      If there are many ulcers, the cancer has affected a large area of ​​the cortex, covered the skeletal branches, more than half the circumference of the bole, moved to the forks - even professionals will not be able to cope here. It is better to remove such a tree.


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