3 Review (s)

  1. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)


    The main beauty, of course, is the radish. It is understandably difficult to please her. But we'll try.
    Radish belongs to the group of short day plants.
    The weather is desirable sunny, but cool.

    In order for radishes to please with an early abundant harvest, the soil must be prepared fertile, loose. Do not bring manure! Evenly sprinkle the bed with humus: 1 bucket per 1 m2. Cover with black foil and leave for about a week. The earth must warm up.
    In loose, oxygen-rich soil, radishes are large and juicy. The acidity is preferably neutral.
    You should not apply potash fertilizers and ash, you can provoke an arrow.
    A polycarbonate greenhouse heats up faster, the radish is too hot in it. Do not forget about ventilation, especially on sunny days.
    It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out, otherwise the root crops will grow coarse. And if, after a drought, the bed is abundantly watered, they will crack.

  2. Anna Golubeva, Bryansk

    Why does radish sprout but not develop on the windowsill?

    • OOO "Sad"

      — Radish is a short-day plant, few people understand this, and often this is the reason. If the lighting is in order and the radish receives just enough light to correspond to a short day, then perhaps the soil is alkaline or very acidic, there is a deficiency or excess of moisture, or the room is too hot. All these factors must be taken into account when growing radishes. Quite often depth also plays a role.
      pot. Many naively believe that since the root crop is formed almost at the surface of the soil, then the plant does not need a deep pot. In reality, this is not the case; radishes will develop fully only if the depth of the pot is 20-25 cm. By the way, many people grow radishes specifically for greens, adding them to salads.


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