
  1. OOO "Sad"

    Do not forget about watering, but it should be scanty. Use water at room temperature.
    It is better to remove damaged branches, too thin and long shoots immediately, do not wait for spring.
    Regularly inspect plants in tubs that have been moved indoors from the garden for the winter. Check for signs of diseases and pests on the plants. Spider mites are especially dangerous.

    In case of severe infection, you can treat the flowers with an insecticide (Aktellik, Fufa-non) or a biological product (Fitoverm) according to the instructions. Also try the folk method: thoroughly wipe each leaf with a sponge soaped with laundry soap, and then rinse with water.

    If plants overwinter in a cold garden or greenhouse, be sure to place stands under the pots so that the root system does not become overcooled.


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