3 Review (s)

  1. Irina Pavlova

    Will it be too late to plant phlox at the end of September? Ordered varieties will be delivered by this time. And what kind of soil is preferable for them!

    • OOO "Sad"

      — Phlox can be planted until the beginning of October.

      If the soil on the site is sandy loam or loamy, with minimal acidity, it is enough to dig a trench to the depth of a spade bayonet and add organic and mineral fertilizers (according to the instructions). The trench should be at least 30 cm deep - this is how deep the phlox roots penetrate.
      The excavated soil is improved (mixed with humus, etc.) and filled back in. Damp, constantly waterlogged soil is not suitable for phlox. Acidic soil must be limed (300 g of lime per 1 sq.m.
      Clay areas are problematic for growing phlox. To such soil it is necessary to add compost (1 kg), peat (5-6 kg), wood ash (7 g), river sand (300-5 kg), superphosphate (6-50 g) per 60 sq.m. . All this is mixed and moistened. Clay soil is added to sandy soil.
      The roots of the seedling are straightened, covered with earth and pressed with hands. The layer of soil above the buds should not exceed 5 cm.
      Planted phloxes must be mulched or mulched for the winter, since the growth buds are laid above the rhizome.

      Alexander KRAIKO, biologist

  2. Aiio ROGOVSKY, Moscow.

    Spring creeping phloxes are not at all like their tall brothers - F. panicled. But they also create bright spots in the garden, attracting the eye with delicate flowers for several weeks. Now this plant is everywhere to the place. Especially elegantly bright curtains look with conifers. A lot of such spectacular islands have already grown all over my garden. But once she brought and simply stuck tiny “blades of grass” into the ground. Already twice in four years she dug up huge sods and distributed them to neighbors. And not a single new flower bed on the site is complete without a handsome man.


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